Seized Gold Weighs 60.716 Kilograms, Smuggling Investigation Underway

Published 2023 Aug 15 Tuesday

Kathmandu: The weight of the gold, which was illicitly imported into the country via Tribhuvan International Airport to evade taxes, has been verified at 60.716 kilograms. The Nepal Rastra Bank's Mint Division conducted the weighing process on Tuesday. The gold was illicitly brought into the country concealed within motorcycle brake shoes, having been smuggled from Hong Kong.

Initially, the combined weight of the seized gold and other items was measured at 155.468 kilograms. Subsequently, on Monday, after the extraction of the brake shoes and packaging materials, the actual weight of the gold was determined to be 60.789 kilograms.

The Department of Revenue Investigation (DRI) had confiscated the gold from the premises of Tribhuvan International Airport in recent days. The Chief of the Mint Division of Nepal Rastra Bank, Thaneshwor Acharya, stated that the present weight of the gold stands at 60.716 kilograms and noted that it appears to be of good quality. He added that a comprehensive quality assessment of the gold will be conducted over the next three days.

Government agencies are currently engaged in an investigation into the circumstances of the gold smuggling case. Acharya emphasized that the government will subsequently make determinations regarding the course of action with the seized gold.

The revelation of the actual weight of the smuggled gold and the ongoing investigation underline the seriousness with which authorities are addressing cases of illicit activities, as well as their commitment to ensuring adherence to legal regulations within the country's borders.
